"Healing The Feeling" APTSS 003/Full Recap

A Place To Say Sukii,
Exhibition 003
Creative Lakay - Miami, FL
Image courtesy of ZaynA Eline
Together, 6 months ago we experienced a moment in time that brought to life a concept that i’ve been very passionate about in recent years. Conceptualizing the way I wanted to bring to life what “Healing The Feeling” meant to me was quite the adventure. I knew it was best to collaborate with creatives that would help me best curate this experience.
Back in February, just a few days after the “Always Beautiful” exhibition, i wrote a short letter to you. It encompassed my sentiments after the second exhibition in this series. Third time around and truly…. my sentiments are exactly the same.
Humbled. Grateful. Excited. (Read letter here)
What is Healing The Feeling Anyway?
The third installation entitled “Healing The Feeling” of the A PLACE TO SAY SUKII exhibition series promotes the concept that as beings having a human experience, we are here on earth to feel through our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional bodies. In a world where the only thing constant is change, it is important for us to master the art of healing through positive coping mechanisms when life throws us “tough feels” - both on the individual and collective levels.
This particular installation also paid special homage to three different celebrations that weekend:
Four Twenty (420) which celebrates the positive use of the marijuana plant & ultimately the "healing of a nation”.
Earth Day which celebrates environmental protection & our Mother Earth in all her abundance and glory.
And finally the birth day of the ascended artist and my younger brother, Nxko - who was born on Earth Day in 1993 . Nxko lived with the ultimate mission "to heal people through music”.
Healing The Feeling collectively explored these ideals and celebrations.
The exhibition title boasts the affirmation “Say Sukii” which was originally created as a play on words, meaning to “say you like it” or “say you love it” (derived from the word “suki” in Japanese culture that translates in English to the words "like/love”).
A Place To Say Sukii = A Place To Say You Love It.
Here’s an inside look at what we showcased:
Exhibit I of V: Bud In Bloom
In collaboration w/ Rico The Don
Together we explored the tried and true healing properties of earth’s natural elements - fresh flowers & the marijuana plant!

Photo courtesy of: ZaidaRosePhoto
Exhibit II of V: Legends Don’t Die
An Homage to Nxko
Artist. Producer. Son. Brother. Uncle. Lover. Healer.
Infinity > 1993 - 2014
Check out his/story in the making at nxkolegacy.com

Photo courtesy of: ZaidaRosePhoto
Exhibit III of V: listen to your heART
Curated by Spinelli & Friends
Together we shed light on the fact that often times when words fail, recorded music has the ability to speak for our feelings and help us navigate through them instead. Spinelli helps us explore the importance of listening and healing the feeling through the universal language - MUSIC.

Photo courtesy of: ZaidaRosePhoto
Exhibit IV of V: Naturally Rooted
An Installation by Filtrum Plants
Erick of Filtrum Plants curated the beautiful plant installation! Naturally Rooted acts as a metaphor for us to understand that healing starts with realizing just how intricate our growth/healing process is, similar to the the intricacy of plant systems. We’ve gotta start with the roots of our issues. Truly honored to work with their genius - thank you, Filtrum Plants!

Photo courtesy of: ZaidaRosePhoto
Exhibit V of V: Music In Real Life
A Tribute to Performance Art
Featuring: Emcee God James Klynn, Spinelli’s next level sounds, Larren’s contagious drums & Preach’s magical Keytar
Music Heals. PERIOD.
But now we’re talking LIVE music? Yes, that is a different kind of healing! If you know, you know.

Photo courtesy of: ZaidaRosePhoto
Private event? Yes. But if you missed it, luckily you can check out the recap in 360 video here - thanks to Perpetual 360!
To view in full 360, (if on mobile device) make sure your youtube app is updated and adjust video settings to max quality (super fancy futuristic tings, right?!)
Ah & finally, the beautiful faces!
Check us ouuutttt and show some love to our photography sponsors!!
Please feel free to save and share your photos using hashtags & photographer credits below.
Gallery 1
Photography: Zaida Rose Photo
IG: @zaidarosephoto
Gallery 2
Photography: Jade Lily
IG: @shootmejade
Gallery 3
Photography: Zayna Elaine
IG: @zaynaelaine
Gallery 4
Photography: Amor Capdevilla
IG: @shmamor @youpluslife
Because, community is real.
I am because you are.
Special thanks and recognition to everyone involved
in the production of Healing The Feeling:
Creative Lakay + A2F Studios (Will Datelma & Marcel Ledoux) - Venue Sponsor
Erick + Filtrum Plants - Artist & Exhibit Contributor
Rico The Don - Artist & Exhibit Contributor
Spinelli - Artist & Exhibit Contributor
James Klynn - Artist & Exhibit Contributor
Larren Mellerson - Artist & Exhibit Contributor
Preach - Artist & Exhibit Contributor
Amor - Say Sukii Flowers & Photography
Rose - Event Prep + On Site Support
Drea - Event Prep + On Site Support
Taylor Crosley - Designer & Stylist - yes, my entire outfit was made with her precious hands of gold (from fabric we went shopping for, ahhh sooo fun) Hit her up for all your custom design needs!
Betzy & Faith - Zaida Rose Photography, Sponsor
Jade Liily, Photography Sponsor
Anisa + Nana's Goods, Sponsor
THE BLCK Family - Event Prep Support
Alexis of SocialXChange - Sponsor
Luz + Perpetual360 - Video Sponsor